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The McClatchy Company, including The Sacramento Bee, The Charlotte Observer, & The (Raleigh) News & Observer

The McClatchy Company owns 29 daily newspapers across the United States, including the Miami Herald, Kansas City Star, The Charlotte Observer, The Sacramento Bee, The (Raleigh) News & Observer, and The (Fort Worth) Star-Telegram. I was the lead García Media art director as we assisted them in reassessing their content and product strategy for a world in which digital is the focus. Collaborating closely with McClatchy’s designers and editors in a company-wide project, we created multiple rapid prototypes of responsive websites, mobile apps, tablet apps, and print editions that were tested with readers in California and North Carolina. The first version of the new print edition, responsive website, and mobile and tablet apps have been implemented by nine of the newspapers to date, with each title receiving a customized typographic and color palette to match its history and location.

Rethinking the responsive websites, print editions, mobile apps, and tablet apps for 29 daily newspapers through an iterative design process

Charlotte Observer products

Helping define a McClatchy design language while respecting each newspapers’ legacy, particularly through a custom typographic palette

The three faces
Sacramento Bee in Serif
Merced Sun-Star in Slab